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Article accepted for publication: 6th International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics

 We are proud to announce that our article "The role of robot design in decoding error-related information from EEG signals of a human observer" is accepted for publication at the 6th International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX 2018).


For utilization of robotic assistive devices in everyday life, means for detection and processing of erroneous robot actions are a focal aspect in the development of collaborative systems, especially when controlled via brain signals. Though, the variety of possible scenarios and the diversity of used robotic systems pose a challenge for error decoding from recordings of brain signals such as via EEG. For example, it is unclear whether humanoid appearances of robotic assistants have an influence on the performance. In this paper, we designed a study in which two different robots executed the same task both in an erroneous and a correct manner. We find error-related EEG signals of human observers indicating that the performance of the error decoding was independent of robot design. However, we can show that it was possible to identify which robot performed the instructed task by means of the EEG signals. In this case, deep convolutional neural networks (deep ConvNets) could reach significantly higher ac curacies than both regularized Linear Discriminanat Analysis (rLDA) and filter bank common spatial patterns (FB-CSP) combined with rLDA. Our findings indicate that decoding information about robot action success from the EEG, particularly when using deep neural networks, may be an applicable approach for a broad range of robot designs.

Behncke J., Schirrmeister R. T., Burgard W., and Ball T., "The role of robot design in decoding error-related information from EEG signals of a human observer". 6th International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics 2018.

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