FRIAS research focus 2018/19

Dr. Philipp Kellmeyer will be speaker of the research focus of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) on normativity & autonomous intelligent systems for the academic year 2018/19

FRIAS research focus 2018/19

FRIAS 2018/19

New research focus on normativity and autonomous intelligent systems at FRIAS 2018/19


A proposal by Dr Philipp Kellmeyer and colleagues from the University of Freiburg on studying the emerging ethical, legal, philosophical and social aspects of the interaction between humans and autonomous intelligents systems has been selected as the new research focus of the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) for the academic year 2018/19.

FRIAS logo

Together with legal scholar Prof Silja Voeneky from the Department of Law, PD Dr phil Oliver Müller from the Department of Philosophy and Prof Wolfram Burgard from the Department of Computer Science, the project team will jointly study these normative aspects of intelligent systems, for example intelligent neurotechnology or autonomous vehicles.

Furthermore the research focus will consist of workshops, a lecture series, graduate seminars and public outreach activities throughout the academic year 2018/19 at the FRIAS to engage and involve fellow researchers and the public in the debate.

For further details see also:

FRIAS statement

BrainLinks-BrainTools statement

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