Xi Wang
Personal information
Xi Wang
PhD Candidate
Master of Biomedical Engineering (Msc BME)
Mail: xi.wang@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Tel.: +49 761 270-87570
Curriculum Vitae
2008: Master of Biomedical Engineering (Msc BME) at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle an der Saale, Germany
Since 2009, PhD Candidate at IMTEK, Albert-Ludwigs-University/University Medical Center Freiburg in the area of µECoG electrode arrays
Research interests
- Implantable Closed-Loop Systems with with EEG / µECoG electrode array
- High resolution volume conductor head models for forward and inverse modeling of brain activity
- Deep Learning and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) with EEG or (µ)ECoG
Journal Articles:
Naranjo, J.R., Wang, X., Schulte-Mönting, J., Huethe, F., Maurer, C., Hepp-Reymond, M.C., Kristeva, R., 2010.Corticospinal interaction during isometric compensation for modulated forces with different frequencies.BMCNeurosci.11:157. doi: 10.1186/1471-2202-11-157.
Gierthmuehlen, M., Ball, T., Henle, C., Wang, X., Rickert, J., Raab, M., Freiman, T., Stieglitz, T., Kaminsky, J., 2011. Evaluation of μECoG electrode arrays in the minipig: experimental procedure and neurosurgical approach. J Neurosci Methods. 02(1):77-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2011.08.021
Mendez-Balbuena, I., Naranjo, J.R., Wang, X.,Andrykiewicz, A., Huethe, F., Schulte-Mönting, J., Hepp-Reymond, M.C., Kristeva, R., 2013. The strength of the corticospinal coherence depends on the predictability of modulated isometric forces. J Neurophysiol. 109(6):1579-88. doi: 10.1152/jn.00187.2012
Gierthmuehlen, M., Wang, X., Gkogkidis, C.A., Henle, C., Fischer, J., Fehrenbacher, T., Kohler, F., Raab, M., Mader, I., Kuehn, C., Foerster, K., Haberstroh, J., Freiman, T.M., Stieglitz, T., Rickert, J., Schuettler, M., Ball, T., 2014. Mapping of sheep sensory cortex with a novel microelectrocorticography grid. J Comp Neurol. 522(16):3590-608. doi: 10.1002/cne.23631
Gkogkidis, C.A., Wang, X., Schubert, T., Gierthmühlen, M., Kohler, F., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Burgard, W., Rickert, J., Haberstroh, J., Schüttler, M., Stieglitz, T. and Ball, T., submitted in Bain-Computer Interfaces in Nov. 2016, ''Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex: Exploring the parameter space of μECoG stimulation and read-out''
Fabian Kohler, F., Gkogkidis, C.A., Bentler, C., Wang, X., Gierthmühlen, M., Fischer, J., Stolle, C., Reindl, L.M., Rickert, J., Stieglitz, T., Ball, T., Schüttler, M., ''Brain-Computer Interfaces Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex: present and future of wireless implant technology.'', Brain-Computer Interfaces, 13 Jul., 2017, vol. 4(3): 146 - 154. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2326263X.2017.1338011
Wang, X., Gkogkidis, C.A., Ilijina, O., Fiederer, L.D.J, Henle, C., Mader, I., Kaminsky, J., Stieglitz, T., Gierthmuehlen, M.,, Ball, T., ‘‘Mapping the fine structure of cortical activity with different µECoG electrode array geometries’’, J Neural Eng. 2017 Jun 9;14(5):056004. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/aa785e
Gkogkidis, C.A., Bentler, C., Wang, X., Gierthmühlen, M., Scheiwe, C., Cristina Schmitz, H., Haberstroh, J., Stieglitz, T. and Ball, T., 2018. Neurophysiological Evaluation of a Customizable µECoG-based Wireless Brain Implant. 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2018, accepted.
Wang, X., Gkogkidis, C. A., Schirrmeister, R. T., Heilmeyer, F. A., Gierthmuehlen, M., Kohler, F., Schuettler, M., Stieglitz, T., Ball, T., 2018. Deep Learning for micro-Electrocorticographic (μECoG) Data. Conference paper for IEEE EMBS CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND SCIENCES (IECBES 2018), https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8626607
Conference Presentations:
Wang, X., Naranjo, J.R., Huethe, F., Maurer, C., Omlor, W., Hepp-Reymond, M.C., Kristeva, R., 2009.Corticomuscular coherence during isometric compensation of modulated force with different frequencies. Poster in International Conference 'Society of Neuroscience' in Chicago, USA
Wang, X., Gierthmühlen, M., Henle, C., Raab, M., Stieglitz, T., Kaminsly, J., Ball, T., 2010. Brain mapping using μECoG signals in the 250-400 Hz band. Poster in International Conference 'Human Brain Mapping' in Barcelona, Spain
Wang, X., Gierthmühlen, M., Henle, C., Raab, M., Aertsen, A., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Stieglitz, T., Kaminsly, J., Ball, T., 2011. Brain mapping using μECoG signals in the broad high gamma band. Poster in Biomedizinische Techinik (BMT), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Techinik (DGBMT), Jahrestagung in Freiburg. Author also gave a presentaion during the time on topic 'µECoG Recordings for Brain mapping and Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI)'
Wang, X., Gierthmühlen, M., Henle, C., Raab, M., Rickert, J., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Kaminsly, J., Aertsen, A., Stieglitz, T., Ball, T., 2012. Effect of blood vessels on µECoG recordings in minipigs. Poster in International Conference 'Human Brain Mapping' in Beijing, P.R. China
Wang, X., Gkogkidis, C.A., Gierthmuehlen, M., Freimann, T.M., Henle, C., Raab, M., Fischer, J., Kohler, F., Haberstroh, J., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Aertsen, A., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M., Rickert, J., Ball, T., 2013. Poster in Acute and Chronic µECoG-Based Brain Mapping using a Wireless Implant System in a Large Animal Model.International Conference 'Society of Neuroscience' in San Diego, USA
Gierthmuehlen, M., Wang, X.,Kuehn, C., Gkogkidis, C.A., Henle, C., Raab, M., Fischer, J., Kohler, F., Haberstroh, J., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M., Rickert, J., Ball, T.M., Freiman, T., 2013. Poster in Neurosurgical approach to the cerebral cortex for acute and chronic cortical stimulation and recording studies in minipigs and sheep. International Conference 'Society of Neuroscience' in San Diego, USA
Rickert, J., Kohler, F., Fischer, J., Fehrenbacher, T., Gkogkidis, C.A., Mohrlok, R., Paetzold, J., Boven, K-H, Moeller, A., Henle, C., Raab, M., Ordonez, J., Wang, X., Gierthmuehlen, M., Ball, T., Foerster, K., Haberstroh, J., Freiman, T.M., Stieglitz, T., Schuettler, M., 2013. Poster in An implantable brain-computer interface for chronic cortical recording and stimulation using a micro-ECoG electrode array.International Conference 'Society of Neuroscience' in San Diego, USA
Gkogkidis, C.A., Wang, X.,Gierthmuehlen, M., Schuettler, M., Stieglitz, T., Ball, T., 2016. Closed-loop interaction with the cerebral cortex: exploring the parameters space of µECoG stimulation and read-outs. Poster in International Conference 'Research in Encoding And Decoding of Neural Ensembles (AREADNE)' in Santorini, Greece
Conference Talks:
Wang, X., Gierthmühlen, M., Henle, C., Raab, M., Aertsen, A., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Stieglitz, T., Kaminsly, J., Ball, T., 2011. µECoG Recordings for Brain mapping and Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI). Poster in Biomedizinische Techinik (BMT), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Techinik (DGBMT), Jahrestagung in Freiburg.